The Best Fitness Tracker

The Best Fitness Tracker

Fitness is important, but it is more important to track your fitness, especially when you are working with set goals. Tracking makes it possible for you to know whether you are making the right progress or whether you need to make improvements to your workouts to make it easier to reach to the fitness goals that you have set. Fitness bands are amazing trackers that can come in handy for anyone. However, the Garmin Vivofit band can be considered to be the best fitness tracker of all. The band is simply designed for that perfect and comfortable fit in that it can be worn all day and still remain comfortable for the wrist. The band is water resistant to withstand sweat and it can be worn even for the toughest workouts possible.
The Main Features
The features of any product are what make it what it is and worth the value that it is. The same is the truth for this fitness band. It has amazing features that make it stand out from the rest of the fitness bands that are available in the market.
The move bar: This is an interesting feature which keeps you in the know of just how active you have been throughout the day. On sensing that you have not been moving enough, a red bar appears on the band. You will see the bar in case you have been inactive for an entire hour. It is part of the programming on this band that makes it the best fitness tracker.
The battery: Most fitness bands in the market need to be charged every day. The Garmin, however has a long life battery that can go for a whole year without needing any charging. Some users might need to charge the band every month but this is still a long enough time compared to the daily charging requirements of other bands. You get the chance to concentrate more on your fitness than the band which is really nice.
Monitoring function: Besides monitoring your workouts every day, this band also has a monitoring function that can help you see how much sleep you get every night. Sleep is very important when keeping fit since a lack in enough sleep can lead to breakdown and exhaustion. This can make it harder to keep up with any fitness goals that you have. With this function, you will make improvements as soon as you see a need to, which will be good for your goals and health in general.
Stats trackers: They are also found in other fitness bands and they help in charting calories burned every single day and the metabolic burning rate. It is definitely one of the most important features of any fitness tracker. The charts help you know how close you are getting to the goals you have set.

Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast - Get the Top Weight Loss Tips


1. The number tip of the easy ways to lose weight fast is to watch what you eat and replace all unhealthy foods with organic and raw foods. You need to understand that the types of foods you eat can either make you fat or thin and one of the easy ways to lose weight fast is to burn more calories than you consume. So if you consume high nutrient low calorie foods on a daily basis, you will see those scale numbers drop. In order to achieve maximum weight loss with food intake, you need to know which foods help to burn fat and which foods don't. Keep a food journal if you can and write everything you eat. If your journal if filled with plenty of junk foods and carbonated drinks and sodas, then you will a pretty good idea of which foods are making you fat and also making it hard to lose weight easily. The easy ways to lose weight with food intake is to consume raw foods and avoid carbonated drinks and sodas.
2. Remember what your weight loss goals are to stay motivated, this is also another great tip on the easy ways to lose weight fast so that you don't fall out of your goals. This journey will not be easy and there will be plenty of setbacks along the way such as cravings for sweets or just cheating on your meal plan. One of the most important advice to lose weight fast and stay lean is to find a mentor or support group. Just the thought of knowing that you are not going through it alone can help you stay motivated. You can join a local gym, weight loss support group or if you are completely shy you can join an online weight loss forum where people discuss so many things related to their weight loss.It will give you an opportunity to share your own experiences, frustrations and achievements. There are many ideas on how to lose weight and making simple lifestyle changes can be a stepping stone to shedding off fat and keeping it off.
3. The third of the five ways to lose weight fast is to drink plenty of water daily. You may already know this but are you doing it? Water helps to flush out all those toxins from your body and helps improve your metabolism. Experience also shows that water helps to make you feel fuller and energized. This is one of the easiest ways to lose weight as water contains zero calories and it helps to curb cravings as you will be feeling full. Drink at least 8 full glasses of water daily for maximum results. One of the low cost ways to lose weight fat is replacing all those carbonated drinks and sodas which are high in calories (sugar) and replacing them with water.
4. One of the most essential parts of good health is maintaining proper weight. This will help you to avoid weight related diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, you need to take advantage of these easy ways to shed off unwanted body fat so that you lose excess fat easily and stay healthy. Avoid eating chocolate, its nice i know but its also high in calories. One mistake that dieters make on their weight loss plans is to skip meals or starve themselves hoping to accelerate weight loss. This does not count as one of the easy ways to burn fat as all this does is to bring the weight back on once the fad or crash diet is over. The easy ways to lose weight fast you can implement instead is to eat at least 5 to 6 small healthy meals daily. This is a very popular weight loss strategy as you will not be feeling hungry to crave for sweets or biscuits that will only increase your weight. Going hungry is not an easy ways to lose weight fast as your body will instead store more fat in preparation for the next time you starve yourself. If you want easy ways to lose weight fast, eat healthily, don't starve yourself.
5. The final tip on the proven fast ways to shed off weight is to get moving and start exercising. Most dieters know this but for whatever reason try to avoid hitting the gym or doing exercise of any sort. You might slim down just by following the top four tips but if you want a toned sexy body, you need to exercise. This is one of the best ways to reduce the scale numbers fast as it speeds up your metabolism and your body can continue to burn fat up to 48 hours after your workout routine ends. Now by exercising i don't mean long hours of boring cardio, i mean high intensity workout routines that will work all the major muscle groups in your body. This is one of the fast ways to burn fat and keep it off permanently. If you do it right you can get toned and also get sexy six pack abs that most people envy. One of the top ways to reduce weight fast with exercise is to workout hard for a short time instead of a longer time but not working hard.

Boost Your Metabolism: Train Your Body to Do the Hard Work

Boost Your Metabolism: Train Your Body to Do the Hard Work


Throughout our adult life we spend so much time trying to tweak and reprogram the natural workings of our bodies that the functions that inherently come natural to our bodies begin to get lazy and stop doing what they were designed to do.
With this constant interference we do not engage the strengths that our bodies are naturally endowed with.
What I am referring to is that our bodies are naturally engineered to consume, digest and use wholesome and fresh produce with all the natural nutrition and enzymes that our bodies require.
This is a crucial operation of our metabolism.
With a constant diet of fast foods, processed foods and food combinations that deter our natural systems, we cause our bodies to slow down or degenerate the natural systems and store excess fat which should in fact be consumed by our body's natural mechanisms.
The tweaks we constantly make are the fluctuations between junk food and health fads, short term dieting and erratic fitness regimes. Back in the old days survival required our forefathers to obtain that which the land provided, which was always natural, unprocessed, healthy and easily digested by the human body; linked to this was that a lot of physical activity was incorporated into getting that which the land provided with the additional impact of the physical activity stimulating our bodies natural mechanisms.
As food options becomes more convenient and less natural we need to check what approach we are taking with regards to nutrition and thereby using to fuel our bodies.
Having a disciplined eating regime, where we have frequent and smaller meals throughout the day alerts our bodies' metabolism functions to the fact that there is a new system in place and that they need to be alert and active all the time. By getting this in order our metabolism gets started on a path into hyper drive mode where our metabolism accelerates with each meal.
The other fundamental aspect of this principle is that we need to ensure that the meals consist of the right foods, foods that will be stimulating to all of our senses as well as stimulating to our metabolism.
Linking the previous 2 aspects with regular exercise and a progressively active lifestyle will even further enhance our body's natural metabolic capabilities and accelerate the rate with which our bodies burn energy.
Getting the formula right will take persistent and dedication but the end result is that we reprogram our bodies or train our bodies into doing the hard work when our metabolism rates are increased we will burn through energy more efficiently and rapidly leading to higher energy levels and decreased excess fat content.

20 Minute Kettle Bell Training Session That Will Completely Melt Body Fat

20 Minute Kettle Bell Training Session That Will Completely Melt Body Fat

Kettlebell training is an ancient Russian technique that has been used for training Olympians, soldiers and many different athletes. Here in the United States the Kettle bell is quickly becoming a very popular training tool, but this one should not lose steam like many of the fitness "fads" of the past.
Kettlebell training is an incredible workout because the using the bell requires all major (and minor) muscle groups to engage and fire rapidly. Movements require a dynamic hip snap, recruitment of all core muscles (the core includes hamstrings, glutes, lower back, abdominals, obliques, quadriceps and several other small movers). Here are the main reasons why kettle bell training is effective for optimal and rapid fat loss.
1. Kettle bell training uses all major muscles in the body
2. Training with kettle bells provides a dynamic action that requires and builds extreme core strength
3. Kettle bell training elevates the heart rate and engages more muscles that typical cardio training
4. Using all major muscles as well as pumping up the heart rate equals a higher caloric output
5. Training with kettle bells elevates the metabolism and this metabolic and strength style of training will burn fat up to 9 times faster than typical cardio or strength training
Here is a kettle bell training workout that will take you no longer than 20 minutes. This workout is a full body training session and will pump your heart rate up and leave you dripping in sweat in the conclusion.
You will complete five exercises in this circuit. Perform each exercise for 50 seconds, switching halfway through on the single side movements. Rest for 10 seconds between exercises and also rest 10 seconds between sets. The short rest time creates an efficient and heart pumping training session. Complete three to four sets, depending on your fitness levels. You want to ideally work your way up to four sets.

1. KB Swings ;

2. KB Snatch (one arm);

3. KB Overhead Press (one arm); 

4. KB Goblet Squat (bell held in front of you at chest level) ;

5. KB Windmill (one arm);

Be sure to perform a full dynamic warm up including squats, lunges, rotations, hamstring and hip mobility and foam rolling prior to your training. Stretch all major lower body muscles and also stretch your shoulders and chest.

Assist Your Balance and Overall Abdominal Development With Mountain Climbers

Assist Your Balance and Overall Abdominal Development With Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers require engagement of your core to support your back and maintain balance. This makes it a great and effective abdominal exercise.
Not only does the mountain climber work your core it also practically works your entire body. You will build strength in the arms, shoulders, core and legs, while also improving your cardiovascular system.
Mountain climbers are a dynamic exercise, this means they involve a constant, steady, smooth, and repetitive movement. Dynamic exercises are great for both joint lubrication and for increasing joint flexibility.
Mountain climbers charge up your heart and oxygen intake rates because your body has to work harder to provide your muscles with oxygen and fuel. This type of bodily stress develops your cardiovascular system, strengthens your heart and lungs, while also burning massive amounts of calories to support fat loss efforts.
The mountain climber is an effective exercise for incorporating into a circuit workout in between strength-training exercises because it will assist in keeping your heart rate up into the fat burning training zone.
Every repetition involves the need for flexion and extension of the hips and knees on both sides of your body, this in turn assists in loosening up your joints and improves your overall lower body mobility.
Improvements include; the range of motion through your hip and knee, boosts cardiovascular and athletic performance and reduces your susceptibility to injury.
Technique Breakdown - Mountain Climbers - Core and Hip Flexors
Start/Finish Position
Start in a standard pushup position.
Your weight will be supported by your hands and toes.
Flexing your knee and hip, bring one leg in until your knee is approximately under your hip.
Movement Phase 
Explosively reverse the positions of your legs. 
Extending your bent leg until your leg is straight and supported by the toe. 
Bringing your other foot up with your hip and knee flexed. 
Repeat for desired repetitions.
Breathing Directions
Breathe in during the downward motion.
Breathe out during the pushing motion.
Explosion in each movement is the key to getting the greatest benefits this exercise has to offer.
Mountain climbers are great to use as a warm up exercise, timed or when ever you feel the need to raise your heart rate and get your blood pumping. Plus this is one of the bodyweight exercises that you can do anywhere.

Improve Your Cardio With This

Improve Your Cardio With mma workout

1-kettle bell swing  :

*You can do this movement, either with one hand or both hands. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width feet. Hold the kettlebell. If you holding with one hand, *keep your other hand on the other side of the balance.
*Contract your abs and push your hips back. Bend your knees and bring the KB between your legs. Invert pushing the hips forward movement.
*Use the momentum to swing the kettlebell with your arms and feet. Keep your abs tight and your arms straight. KB back, between the legs, simply push your hips back again.
*Remember that you only use the strength of his arms and shoulders to lift the kettlebell up. *The rocking motion is due from the momentum generated by the thrust of the hip.
Repeat if desired.

BOSU Dumbbell Chest Press :

Although a bicep curl targets the biceps, an easy way to add some abdominal injury which is standing on a bosu ball while exercising. Standing on a bosu ball requires the use of stabilizers in the abdominal muscles so you get a double benefit from this exercise. You make the loop in the usual way: simply curl the weights with his biceps. Be careful not to tilt the body or use your back to pull the bar.

Wrestling Lunges with weights :

Holding weights with your fingers while lunging from wrestling stance and walking or stationary depending on space.

lying leg thrusts:

step 1 :
Lie on the floor with his head and shoulders slightly off the ground

Step 2:
Place your hands - palm down - on the carpet for their hips

Step 3:
Raise both legs until they are 90 degrees to the ground

Step 4:
Slowly lower your legs until they are 45 degrees to the floor - do not go all the way to the floor you can

put pressure on your back

Step 5:
Raise both legs to 90 degrees position

Step 6:
Once the level of 90 degrees - no more - pushing hips ground. Repeat step 3.

shuttle sprints :

Start in your preferred position, run 10-15 yards, run backwards to starting position, and then repeat.

Kettle bells : 3-Reasons to Use Kettle-Bells-for Your Workouts

Kettle bells : 3-Reasons to Use Kettle-Bells-for Your Workouts

1. Preparation Workout- full body with kettle bells :  get a full body filled in 30 minutes or less. You can find many good test results that provide training with only twenty to thirty minutes three times a week. If you use a heavy enough weight to get the target heart rate your heart rate your body and follow the program, you must be sure you are getting enough exercise. I'm trying to lose extra weight, so I do two different workouts thirty minutes (a total of sixty minutes) three times a week. The bell acts as a weight and you move your body through the routine very quickly so easily get both cardiovascular and resistance training. No need to worry about separate the two days when this type of training is used. Some studies have shown that you can burn up to 20 calories per minute. While this is the very high end, it's safe to assume you will burn more calories than if you just take a walk or makes an aerobic workout.

2. If using a kettle bell Gain reinforcement is heavy enough to challenge you and proceed gradually as you progress, you'll find you can gain strength through training. I saw my muscles become stronger since I worked with him there are only four months. My legs are more muscular and can operate for long periods of time than before. My arms are too firm and carrying my child 30 pounds are not as difficult as it used to be.

3. Losing fat Although I have yet to see my weight on the scale to go down, I know I lost fat (and muscle gained) with this training because my clothes fit better. My jeans now slip easily because before I squeezed them and lying in bed just to compress. Neither have I changed my diet, I know I have to do to see better results from my workouts. So although my scale does not see a change, I do. And that's what really matters in the end! My next goal is to change my diet to a no-carb diet mostly vegetarian, I see results more quickly in the future.