Improve Your Cardio With mma workout
1-kettle bell swing :
*Contract your abs and push your hips back. Bend your knees and bring the KB between your legs. Invert pushing the hips forward movement.
*Use the momentum to swing the kettlebell with your arms and feet. Keep your abs tight and your arms straight. KB back, between the legs, simply push your hips back again.
*Remember that you only use the strength of his arms and shoulders to lift the kettlebell up. *The rocking motion is due from the momentum generated by the thrust of the hip.
Repeat if desired.
BOSU Dumbbell Chest Press :
Although a bicep curl targets the biceps, an easy way to add some abdominal injury which is standing on a bosu ball while exercising. Standing on a bosu ball requires the use of stabilizers in the abdominal muscles so you get a double benefit from this exercise. You make the loop in the usual way: simply curl the weights with his biceps. Be careful not to tilt the body or use your back to pull the bar.
Wrestling Lunges with weights :
Holding weights with your fingers while lunging from wrestling stance and walking or stationary depending on space.
lying leg thrusts:

step 1 :
Lie on the floor with his head and shoulders slightly off the ground
Step 2:
Place your hands - palm down - on the carpet for their hips
Step 3:
Raise both legs until they are 90 degrees to the ground
Step 4:
Slowly lower your legs until they are 45 degrees to the floor - do not go all the way to the floor you can
put pressure on your back
Step 5:
Raise both legs to 90 degrees position
Step 6:
Once the level of 90 degrees - no more - pushing hips ground. Repeat step 3.
shuttle sprints :
Start in your preferred position, run 10-15 yards, run backwards to starting position, and then repeat.
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