Method 8 PEAK YEAR
What makes it work so well?
Works because it promotes the human growth hormone (HGH), a
Synergistic essential biochemical foundation that your strength
training and all work quite like a charm, and actually burns calories.
... You get so much as an increase of 530 per cent of the growth hormone!
... Your body is left for two hours, go after the body fat as heat-seeking
missile. It is so powerful that if you were to make today's program and supervising its
blood, it will look like growth hormone was injected illegally. That's why not
HGH testing for Olympic athletes today. "
This is the reason Type Peak 8 exercises can revolutionize your health and fitness!
It is important to realize that your body produces HGH after a long, slow
exercise. Only Peak 8 exercises in style - short, quick burst of anaerobic type
exercise for short periods of time - to accomplish this.
Another advantage is that the protocol Peak 8 takes just 20 minutes, three
Once a week, then do it!
8 advanced Instructions
• The first iteration is usually fairly easy as the initial rhythm is low
and you can do all the stress 30 seconds.
• Since recover only 90 seconds of your heart rate gradually increases
climbing after each repetition, so I hope that by the time his last end
Repetition is less than the maximum heart rate.
• Remember to cool for a few minutes after his eighth repetition.
• Unless you regularly you probably need to work your way up to 8
cycles. You can start with 2-4 and gradually increase to 8, but ideally is
should reach 8 ring The magic really starts to happen around the rehearsal
Number 7 and 8.
These are the principles:
1. Warm up for three to five minutes
2. Then go for it as hard as you can for 30 seconds
3. Recover for 90 seconds
4. Repeat 7 times, for a total of 8 reps
5. Let cool a few minutes later to reduce its intensity
50 to 80%.
If you have any history of heart disease or concerns please get permission
your healthcare provider to launch this. Most people of average fitness will
able to do this, it is just a matter of how long it will take to build
total of 8 repetitions.
The beauty of this approach is that if you are out of shape, just
He can not train hard as lactic acid builds up in the muscles
quickly and prevents you stress your heart a lot.
Things to consider:
• Be aware of your current fitness level and not too much the first time
• If you are not in great shape and is just beginning you can start
with only two or three repetitions and work your way up to eight. You can
to start with just walking and when you do your 30 seconds explosions
legs would also move fast as possible without running - and
arms are pumping hard and fast.
• Ultimately you want exert enough force to achieve its
anaerobic threshold and which is where the release of growth hormone is triggered.
Whatever activity you choose, by the end of his second term sprint 30
You will come to these markers:
• It will be quite difficult to breathe and talk because you are on oxygen
• Will you start sweating profusely. This usually occurs in the second or
third repeat, unless you have a thyroid problem and do not sweat much
• The temperature of your body will increase
• increases lactic acid and muscle feel "burn"
• If you use cardio equipment like an elliptical trainer or bike, so do not
to reach full speed "magic". It is highly personal, on the basis of its current
fitness level. But you know that you are right when you're exercising
to the point of often breathless after a short burst
• Do this exercise two or three times a week, and you're practically guaranteed
significantly improve its production of HGH.
Do not waste your time doing a lot of inefficiency
The complete program of advanced fitness
As I mentioned earlier, Peak Fitness is a comprehensive program to
truly optimize your overall health.
Peak 8 is a critical component of this program, but it is always important to include a
variety of activities to enjoy the benefits that exercise has to offer, from
improving mental health and emotional balance to greater strength, vigor and
longer life.
Also, keep in mind that you are going - no matter which you exercise
decision - should continue to push yourself and work a little harder to maintain
challenge your body as you become stronger and faster.
In addition to the Peak 8 exercises, which I explained earlier, Pico
Fitness program also includes:
1. Aerobic exercises: jogging, using an elliptical machine, and walk fast
are examples of aerobic exercise. While standard aerobics
You can not compete with a Peak 8 exercises for promoting growth hormone or grease
ardor, just get your heart pumping will improve blood circulation and
increase the release of endorphins, which act as natural pain killers.
Aerobic exercises also activate your immune system and help
increase your endurance over time, which are important for optimal
2. Strength Training: Complete your exercise program with 1-game
workout routine of force will ensure that you are actually optimizing
Possible health benefits of a regular exercise program. Keep this in mind
You need enough repetitions to exhaust your muscles. The weight should
be heavy enough that it can be done in less than 12 repetitions, however,
enough to make at least four light repetitions. It is also important not
to exercise the same muscle groups every day. It takes at least two
days off to recover, repair and rebuild.
3. basic exercises: Your body has 29 core muscles located mostly in their
back, abdomen and pelvis. This group of muscles provides the basis
for movement throughout his body, and strengthening box
help protect and support your back, make your spine and vertebral body less prone
injuries and help achieve a better balance and stability. Exercise
programs such as Pilates and yoga are great options for strengthening
your core muscles as they are specific core exercises that can learn from
a mat yoga class or Pilates class.
4. Stretching: My favorite type of stretching is isolated active sections (AIS)
developed by Aaron Mattes. With AIS, hold each stretch for only two
second, that works with the natural physiological makeup of your body
improve circulation and increase the elasticity of muscle joints. This
technique also allows your body to repair and prepare for everyday
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